GoToVerdict is an internet-based application that delivers comprehensive data and research on prospective jurors to trial attorneys and other members of their team during jury selection, instantaneously.
The application also gives the trial team the option of commenting on and rating the prospective jurors while simultaneously allowing limitless numbers of remote users to monitor the selection and support the trial team.
Finally, our app automatically generates the most comprehensive jury summary and selection recap report ever seen once the jury is selected, saving the trial team even more time and money.
Have you ever wished you could know more about the prospective jurors? Wouldn’t you like to know how they vote? How well they manage their money? Whether they’re litigious? What they post on social media?
Now you can . . . with GoToVerdict!
Political Affiliation
Social Media
Voting History
Tax Liens
...and much more!
GoToVerdict provides you with critical data on your prospective jurors during jury selection. Our web-based application is easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and can give you an enormous advantage over your opponent and help you win your case.
It really is that simple.

Actual Screenshot from GoToVerdict
Screen from our app showing what the main page looks like during a jury selection. The left side of this screen shows a quick snapshot of all of the prospective jurors and the right side is the activity feed that provides GoToVerdict’s juror updates, your team's comments and ratings on the prospective jurors.
Juries are the ultimate decision makers at trial and have the ability to award millions of dollars to aggrieved parties – and the ability to award nothing.
Historically, individual jurors have been selected based on a trial attorney’s instincts and gut feelings. Isn't there a better way?
Wouldn't you like to know what your jurors are really thinking and what they are like in real life?
GoToVerdict is the only company that provides you with detailed, objective information about the prospective jurors while you are selecting the jury.
Select Better Juries

Sample List of Prospective Jurors
Zoomed-in view of the juror list on the left side of the main page showing a sample list of jurors with cursor mouse- overs showing. This view provides a quick snapshot of each juror including gender, political affiliation, home ownership, judgments, tax liens, bankruptcies, and ratings by your team. The lead trial attorney’s rating is in yellow and the ratings of others on the jury selection team are in gray. All icons are live (multiple mouseovers are depicted).

Sample Detailed Juror Profile
Screen from our app showing what a detailed profile page for a prospective juror would look like to you. This view provides further details on each prospective juror including criminal records, accidents, social media posts and likes, employment, education, in the news, and much more.
Company & Leadership
GoToVerdict was founded by experienced trial attorneys with over 100 years of combined trial experience. The data points used to evaluate individual jurors and jury panels was developed over years of successful, real-world trial experience. GoToVerdict’s founders have used these data to select better juries that are more inclined to return favorable verdicts.

Steve Poland

R. Anthony Rupp
GoToVerdict founder R. Anthony Rupp III is a graduate of Cornell University Law School who began trying cases almost upon graduation in 1992. He initially selected juries using old-school techniques that emphasized subjective, immeasurable, non-analytic factors such as how he “felt” during jury selection about a given juror or answer. Mr. Rupp chafed at the experience of choosing relatively unknown individuals to serve on his juries. As a solution, Mr. Rupp developed the methodology that forms the core of GoToVerdict’s objective, data-driven approach.